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New releases: Vozes do Fogo - Ricardo Rifane.

Atualizado: 22 de nov. de 2020

With progressive inspiration, the artist creates a concept album inspired by the element Fire.

Vozes do Fogo (Voices from the Fire), Ricardo Rifane's first album, is a collection of sound experiments based on a subjectivist concept that seeks visceral artistic expression while moving away from easy listening.

The musician describes how the album's focus is the element of fire, one of the mystical principles of reality, according to Rifane, fire is the energy of action and transformation, which generates willpower, desires, motivation, passion, sensuality, aggressiveness, emotional outbursts, courage, vigor and may be manifested both in a creative or destructive way.

According to the artist, the work is an experimentation of sound, free from linguistic and conceptual interferences. Track titles were added only after the completion of the songs, when the composer searched, in his subjective experimentation of life, “symbolic emanations as parameters to name each song on the album”.

Ricardo Rifane describes himself as a poet of sound. He composes, plays and records as a dive into his own soul, where contrast appears as the foundation of the process of elaborating musical experiments, allowing the songs to, sometimes, express opposite feelings.

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