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20 de nov. de 20215 min de leitura
The weekly catch-up 21
The history of Industrial music in 45 songs, Online Metal Festivals, Sabaton to release two concerts, I Am a Rocketship and Marinas Found.
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2 de out. de 20216 min de leitura
The weekly catch-up 15
Depeche Mode to release 101 in 4k, Foo Fighters and the art of survival, Rammstein's side project, Duran Duran praises new guitar player.
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30 de set. de 20213 min de leitura
New Releases: Depeche Mode | 101 Box
Depeche Mode announces the release of the HD version of their 1989 documentary/live concert film 101 with unreleased footage.
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21 de set. de 20213 min de leitura
Dream | Depeche Mode Photographs1994-2002 By Michaela Olexova
Dream is a curated collection of images covering a nine year period in which Czech-born (but UK-based) designer and photographer Michaela Ol
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10 de jul. de 20207 min de leitura
Music for The Masses - Pt IV.
How Depeche Mode conquered the world: Spirits in the Universe. Having influenced a wide range of artists we can only hope for a new chapter.
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30 de jun. de 20206 min de leitura
Music for The Masses - Pt III.
How Depeche Mode conquered the world: Songs of Faith and Dissension.
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18 de jun. de 20205 min de leitura
Music for The Masses - Pt II.
How Depeche Mode conquered the world: The Dark Side of the Force.
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9 de jun. de 20204 min de leitura
Music for The Masses.
How Depeche Mode conquered the world - Part I: To start a new life, then to leave in silence.
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