Inspired by Electric Wizard, Sleep, Earthless, Conan and Samsara Blues Experiment, power trio from Brazil releases debut EP.

Space Smoke a stoner, doom, sludge and space rock Brazilian band formed in 2018 releases their debut EP. Occultism is the EP’s guiding thread, according to the band, their debut pays homage to this belief, “originated in Ancient Egypt through the Secret Doctrine, based on the Hermetic precepts of Hermes Trismegisto”.
The opening track is ' Magia Cerimonial' (Ceremonial Magic), a reference to the way of passing occult knowledge, in which the doom influences are very clear. The second song is an ambient recording, made in the woods of the interior of São Paulo, at night, with special participation from the bats of the region, and, according to Space Smoke, serves to transport the listener to the atmosphere of the third track. ‘Corpo Solar’, the third and final song, evokes mantras and psychedelia, a soundtrack by ceremonial magicians to reach the state of physiological, mental and spiritual balance.
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